The world has been at a standstill since the Covid-19 outbreak went global with a significant number of infected people and associated deaths. Citizens across the globe are confined to their homes, anxious and glued to the news provided by numerous news outlets.
Home patient care is surging:
As we go through the pandemic, the demand for home health care and home infusion therapy services has undoubtebly increased because of patients’ concerns that a hospital stay would increase the likelihood of catching the virus. And so, they have been asking their doctor to be cared for at home. In return, acknowledging this reality, doctors have been discharging patients earlier as long as it is considered safe. The result is that agencies have been overwhelmed trying to meet the demand while taking all the infection control precautions.
Sales people and physician referrals:
On the other hand, post-acute care providers rely on their sales people to generate referrals originating from physician offices. This is not possible today as understandably, sales people are barred from entering hospitals.
Instead of laying them off and losing their experience, agencies that are looking for a sales management platform to optimize their referral process or that have already deployed such software should spend this special time fine tuning its use by the sales reps and management.
The outbreak will soon be over. By then, agencies that had spent the time acquiring a new system or mastering the use of their existing one would have an edge over the competition. That is because of their preparedness to smartly target physicians who will undoubtably be referring more home bound patients than ever before, while other providers would have opted to scale down, loosing parts of their referrals.